The second working meeting of institutions, organizations and experts active in the field of environmental protection, marine economy and blue growth took place on September 25, 2023 at the Center for Contemporary Art and Library in Burgas.
The meeting was initiated by “Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov” University of Burgas being a Lead partner under the CB005.3.12.001 „Cross – border Regions Collaborate for BLUE GROWTH” (BLUE GROWTH COLLABs) project, co-funded by the Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria - Turkey 2014 – 2020 Programme. Presentation of the project results and discussions on the opportunities for future development of the scientific and research potential, on the perspectives for building partnerships and joining efforts for sustainable blue economy at local level were in the focus.
Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Zheleva, PhD – Project manager and Vice Rector of “Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov” University congratulated the project team for their efforts and thorough work and thanked for their support to the Municipality of Burgas, the District Administration of Burgas, the Black Sea Basin Directorate, the Institute of Oceanology (BAS), the “Black Sea Institute” Association in Burgas.
„The main achievements of the project during the last three years are not only the new and modern laboratories which are already functioning at the University, not only the expert potential which was developed but also the doors which were opened for partnership and which can realize the true potential for blue growth of the region“, said Assoc. Prof. Zheleva.\
The project results were presented by Prof. Sevdalina Turmanova, PhD – the Leader of the Water Pollution Monitoring Lab. The newly established Research Centres for BLUE GROWTH at the partnering Universities in Burgas and Edirne were to be recognized as the most significant achievements of the project. The pilot programmes for research monitoring which were developed and implemented for 3 ecosystems in Burgas region – Burgas Lake, Kitenska River (Karaagach River) and Burgas Bay, the series of partners’ initiatives and events involved over 40 teaching professors, scientists and servants of the universities in the cross – border region, 80 students and teachers from “Acad. N. D. Zelinskij” Professional School of Chemical Technologies, “Acad. N. Obreshkov” High School of Maths in Burgas and the High School of Edirne, 60 representatives of different institutions and organizations competent in the field of environmental protection, experts form different institutes and universities in Bulgaria and from abroad.
The discussions to follow stressed on the good practices for blue and sustainable development, the role of science, knowledge and innovation for blue transformation. The participants in the meeting united around the idea of creating a local knowledge network as a space to accumulate, share and develop knowledge about the Black Sea and its coastal ecosystems.
The CB005.3.12.001 „Cross – border Regions Collaborate for BLUE GROWTH“ (BLUE GROWTH COLLABs) project is a strategic initiative co-funded under the Priority Axis “Environment” of the Interreg – IPA CBC Bulgaria – Turkey Programme and aims at establishment of Research Centres for BLUE GROWTH at “Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov” University of Burgas and Trakya University of Edrine as a potential form for collaboration between competent institutions, local authorities, civil sector, academic and scientific communities in the cross-border region. “Acad. N. D. Zelinskij” Professional School of Chemical Technologies and the High School of Edrine are also partnering the project.
The project has been implemented in the period of 10 Oct 2020 – 09 Oct 2023.