Experts from the laboratories of the Research Center for Blue Growth carried out a working visit to several research institutions in Zagreb

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In the period 11 - 14.07.2023, within the framework of the international project "Cross-border regions cooperate for blue growth (BLUE GROWTH COLLABs)", financed under Priority Axis 1 of the Program for cross-border cooperation Bulgaria - Turkey 2014 - 2020, experts from the laboratories of the Research Center for Blue Growth at the University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" conducted a working visit to several research institutions in Zagreb, Croatia. The rich program of the visit included a series of meetings with scientists from the Faculty of Agronomy at the University of Zagreb, the Ruder Bosković Institute and the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health. Lectures were given presenting University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov" and the implemented activities under the BLUE GROWTH COLLABS project. An essential part of the visit was establishing contacts, exchanging experience and research practices, as well as familiarizing the foreign scientists with the structure and activities of the Laboratory for Water Pollution Monitoring, the Laboratory for Analysis and Modeling of Aquatic Ecosystems and the Laboratory for Aquaculture and Biotechnology, related to the monitoring of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants in various components of the environment, protection of biodiversity and obtaining materials with different applications from waste products. Possibilities for future cooperation were discussed.

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Interreg IPA CBC, Bulgaria-Turkey partnership
Co-funded by the European Union